William A. Scheitler Recreation Center at Berkeley Park
5031 W. 46th Ave., Denver, CO
President Bob Reinman called the CSVA Board Meeting to order at 1:30pm.
Six board members were present: Bob Reinman, Fran Zelinkoff, Adele Strawn, Carrie Fehringer, Linda Donohoo, and PJ Ricker.
Seventeen others were present: Kathleen Danna, Art Smoot, Snow Lopez, Karen Winegarden, Bill Breithaupt, Bill Law,
Allan Randall, Emilio Sanelli, Adam Elnicki, Floyd Brown, Dan Green, Laraine Atkinson, Dave Nugent, Gene Anderson, Diana Tait, Bill Cavanaugh and Viola Duran.
MINUTES from the November 19, 2009 meeting were amended to correct the date of February 4, 2009 to February 4, 2010 for the CSVA Board Meeting, and then filed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: No treasurer’s report was available at this time. A report will be available at the next meeting.
TOURNAMENT REPORTS. Fran Zelinkoff handed out the League Standings sheet through Feb. 3, 2010. She will start to finalize sites and referees for the CSVA end-of-session league tournaments to be held either March 16 or 17.
USAV Open Championships will be held in Phoenix over Memorial Day weekend. Page Gaines has one M70 team that will be going. Right now, there are no women’s teams from Colorado entering, but that there are several women who will be playing on other conglomerate teams.
ELECTION. Prior to the Dec 17, 2009 deadline, Adele Strawn had submitted her written resignation as Secretary effective April 30, 2010, and nominated Kathleen Danna for CSVA Secretary; Kathleen Danna had submitted a written request that CSVA add an additional At Large position and nominated Adele Strawn for that position. There were no other nominees. The CSVA Executive Committee recommended that Adele Strawn be added as an At Large Board member, which will be a one-year term to expire April 30, 2011, to even out the expiration dates to four each year.
Motion made by Art Smoot, seconded by Allan Randall to elect the following board members, who were running unopposed, by acclamation. Motion carried 22-0.
1. Vice-President/Tournament Coordinator Fran Zelinkoff Two-Year Term Expires Apr 30, 2012
2. Secretary Kathleen Danna Two-Year Term Expires Apr 30, 2012
3. At Large Member Linda Donohoo Two-Year Term Expires Apr 30, 2012
4. At large Member Carrie Fehringer Two-Year Term Expires Apr 30, 2012
5. At Large Member Adele Strawn One-Year Term Expires Apr 30, 2011
CSVA Referee Clinic: Bob Reinman will present a practical Referee Clinic on Feb. 12, 2010, from 8:00 am-noon at Commerce City Rec. Center. He stressed it is important that referees for CSVA league matches attend this clinic to
be brought up to date on all the new USAV rules that are now in effect for CSVA matches. Contact Fran Zelinkoff at [email protected] to attend the clinic. There is no charge for CSVA-related people, but we need to know how many chairs to set up for the lecture part of the clinic. Fran will have the current 2009-2011 USAV Rulebooks at our cost of $5.
Snow Lopez recommended that the date for the next Referee Clinic in the Fall 2010 not conflict with the High School championships because many referees are attending those championship games, and CSVA has now changed that date to Friday, Oct 22, 2010, 8:00am-noon, at Commerce City Rec Center.
CSVA Sweatshirts: Fran Zelinkoff has packaged sweatshirts by teams for each of their rostered regular players (not subs), and Team Reps can pick up their packet at the front door right after the meeting.
Volleyball Skills Clinics: Snow Lopez announced that Westminster Rec. Center will host a series of skills clinics for 50+ women, February 11 – March 11, 2010. The cost is $50 per person. For more information, see announcement on CSVA website. (
Volleyball Score Flipper: Bill Cavanaugh recommended a Volleyball Score Flipper from a North Dakota company that attaches to the volleyball pole. Model VB-27 Volleyball Score Flipper with #0 thru 27 (suggest you ask them to add #28, 29 & 30). Cost $47 + $5 ship, Total $52. Be sure to mention Bill Cavanaugh’s name to get the extra numbers and this price.
Flickertail Sports Co PO Box 45 Williston,N Dakota 58801 Mr Noral Haugen 1-701-572-2758
REMINDER. The deadline for motions to change CSVA League Rules and Policies, to be voted on at the March 18, 2010 Annual Team Rep and Board Meeting must be received by CSVA Secretary Adele Strawn by Monday, March 1, 2010. The motions should be either written and signed, or sent by email. (No anonymous motions will be accepted). (See page 9 of the CSVA Handbook, Articles I and II of the Bylaws concerning the Annual Meeting). Only written proxies will be accepted from Team Reps and Board Members for the CSVA Annual Team Rep and Board Meeting on Thursday, March 18, 2010. The CSVA Proxy Form can be obtained from the website or from Fran Zelinkoff, [email protected].
THE CSVA ANNUAL TEAM REP AND BOARD MEETING will be Thursday, March 18, 2010, at 1:30 pm at Scheitler Rec. Center at Berkeley Park.
A motion to adjourn was made by Carrie Fehringer and seconded by Art Smoot. The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Adele C. Strawn, CSVA Secretary
595 S. Alton Way, #12C
Denver, CO 80247
Enc. CSVA March 24, 2010 Draw Tournament Entry Blank