Thursday, March 18, 2010

William A. Scheitler Recreation Center at Berkeley Park

5031 W. 46th Ave., Denver, CO

President Bob Reinman called the CS VA Board Meeting to order at 1:30 PM.

Six board members were present: Bob Reinman, Fran Zelinkoff, Joe Purcella, Carrie Fehringer, Linda Donohoo, and Adele Strawn. Twenty-four others were present: Kathleen Danna, Art Smoot, Snow Lopez, Allan Randall, Clem Schuette, Dan Green, Theresa Schulte, Viola Duran, Diana Tait, Beth Yacona, Patti Welfare, Karen Winegarden, Bill Cavanaugh, Robert Dellapina, Bill Breithaupt, Bill Law, Brad Marks, Dick Eggleston, Laraine Atkinson, Randy Peterson, Issy Minott, Linda Cortes, Larry Brokaw, and Brent Berninger.

MINUTES from the February 4, 2010, CSVA Board Meeting were amended to correct the two-year term expiration date of At Large Member Carrie Fehringer from April 30, 3012 to April 30, 2012, and then filed.

Treasurer’s Report dated February 4, 2010 was given by Joe Purcella. It was accepted and filed. The balances were as follows:

Designated $ 125.00
Restricted $ 4,000.78
GENERAL $10,383.67
Total $14,509.45

Treasurer’s Report dated March 18, 2010 was given by Joe Purcella. It was accepted and filed. The balances are as follows:

Designated $ 125.00
Restricted $ 4,000.78
GENERAL $ 8,364.71
Total $12,490.49

Tournament Report. Fran Zelinkoff handed out the Final CSVA Winter 2010 League Standings and the CSVA End-of-Winter-League Tournament Results.

New Business: Results of the five motions voted on are below:

Motion 1. Made by Fran Zelinkoff, 2nd by Art Smoot. Because the teams in the top two divisions are so competitive and are getting so much stronger, move to make the rules for Division 1 and 2 the same. The top of the current CSVA League Rules and Policies sheet would then read: Rules Specific for Division 1 and 2. Rationale: The move between Div 1 and 2 is not mandatory, but lately the top Div. 2 team is opting to move up to Div. 1 and (likewise, next Fall the last two teams in Div 1 must move down to Div 2 to get Div 1 back to 6 teams). It would make for a much easier transition if the rules were the same for those two higher very competitive divisions. Motion 1 passed: 23 for, 1 opposed.

Motion 2. Made by Rose Surprenant, 2nd by Bob Dellapina. For all divisions that have a requirement for a female player, one position in the rotation must be designated as a “female position”, and there must be a female in the position at all times. Rationale: This is a recreational league that encourages female participation. The encouragement to participate implies full partnership in participation. Motion 2 passed: 24 for, 4 opposed.

Motion 3. Made by Rose Surprenant, 2nd by Adele Strawn. Results from play need to be to Fran by 5:45pm on the day of play so she can post the results. Winning teams that do not e-mail or call her by that time would lose a “win” and gain a ”loss.” (She prefers e-mail). Rationale: The website is used by all and much appreciated. Players that do not respect the time to compute results should be penalized. It would only happen once. In case of hardship, bad weather, or extenuating circumstances there can be an exception. After discussion, this motion was amended by presenter Issy Minott (proxy of Rose Surprenant), 2nd by Adele Strawn, to read “results from play need to be to Fran by 11:59 pm on same day as play.” After 12:00 midnight, the penalty of lose a win and gain a loss will be assessed. Motion 3 passed: 17 for, 13 opposed.

Parliamentarian Joe Purcella stated that because Motions 4 and 5 are new policies, a 2/3 majority vote would be required for the motions to pass.

Motion 4. Made by Fran Zelinkoff, 2nd by Theresa Schulte. Move to discontinue the March and December CSVA end-of-league tournaments. Rationale: (1) These two tournaments have always been considered “play days” and haven’t ever counted for league placement because so many teams are playing shorthanded: Their working players can’t take that much time off to play in them; in March, they are already into baseball season; and in December, the holidays are such busy times. (2) CSVA has grown to 48 teams and it is becoming very difficult to obtain two–court sites, volunteer site directors, and 18 good referees for 9 tournament divisions. (3) There are only a few Rec Centers (Commerce City, Whitlock in Lakewood, Westminster, and Greeley) that actually have two courts available and can or will donate them all day (or two days at Commerce City) as part of their Senior Volleyball Program. Motion 4 was withdrawn by Fran Zelinkoff because during the discussion, the majority at the meeting were all in favor of continuing the end-of-league tournaments.

Motion 5 Made by Bill Breithaupt, 2nd by Bill Law. Move to form a 5 person group to look into splitting the league, forming a North Division and a Metro Division. Rationale: To keep the driving distance down. Motion 5 failed: 21 for, 11 opposed. (Not a 2/3 majority)

Carrie Fehringer announced that the 2011 Rocky Mountain Senior Games volleyball qualifier will be held on September 23 and 24, 2010 at Westminster Parks and Recreation. More information will be posted on the CSVA website:

Motion to adjourn was made by Diana Tait, 2nd by Art Smoot. The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 PM.

The next CSVA Board Meeting will be Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 1:30 PM at Scheitler Rec. Center at Berkeley Park.

Respectfully submitted.

Adele C. Strawn, Secretary
CSVA (Colorado Senior Volleyball Assoc.)
595 S. Alton Way, #12 C
Denver, CO 80247

2 Attachments:
Final CSVA 2010 Winter League Results (8 divisions)
CSVA Winter Tournament Results (9 divisions)