William A. Scheitler Recreation Center at Berkeley Park
5031 W. 46th Ave., Denver, CO
President Bob Reinman called the CSVA Board Meeting to order at 1:30 PM.
Seven board members were present: Bob Reinman, Fran Zelinkoff, Joe Purcella, PJ Ricker, Carrie Fehringer, Linda Donohoo, and Adele Strawn. Fourteen others were present: Art Smoot, Kathleen Danna, Donna Post, Carl Roedel, Snow Lopez, Allan Randall, Emilio Sanelli, Dave Nugent, Melissa Fankhauser, Clem Schuette, Dan Green, Theresa Schulte, Viola Duran, and Ron Picasso.
MINUTES from the February 5, 2009 CSVA Board Meeting were approved as sent out and filed.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Joe Purcella. There was one correction to the treasurer’s report that was handed out. The expense figure in the Recap was transposed as $1,628.30 and should be $1,638.20; however, the ending balances were correct and the report was filed.
as of March 19, 2009 are as follows:
Designated $125.00
Bob Reinman announced that the CSVA Executive Committee recommended that a new game ball will be provided for each team for the 2009 Fall League Session. At the August meeting, CSVA also will consider providing a CSVA shirt (or sweatshirt) for each player.
Tournament Report. Fran Zelinkoff handed out the Final Fall League Standings and the End-of-League Tournament Results, which are also on the website. She felt that the 21-point sets kept matches from running overtime, and gave the referees a short lunch break between the morning and afternoon sessions.
New Business: Minutes from CSVA Board Meetings will be on the CSVA Website beginning with the March 19, 2009 meeting.
Bob Reinman announced that any Team Representative or Recreation Center Coordinator who would like to have all official CSVA mailings via e-mail, contact Adele Strawn at [email protected] or cell 303-263-1691. Otherwise, she will continue to mail paper copies of minutes and all enclosures. The purpose would be to lower the expense of copying and postage, and the time it takes to get everything in the mail.
Adele Strawn and PJ Ricker will be presenting to the CSVA Executive Committee information about a Beach Bash for seniors at The Island. After the Executive Committee revues the proposal, it will make a decision whether or not to proceed with the event.
Carrie Fehringer has volunteered to chair a Rules Committee for Divisions 1 and 2. If there are ideas for the Rules Committee or if you would like to participate as a rules committee member, e-mail her at [email protected], or phone 970-350-9438.
Motions: The order of Motions 4 and 5 as sent out with the Agenda were changed by the maker because motion 4 was to be considered only if certain Div. 2 rules changed for the 2009-2010 season. Results of the five motions in the order voted on are below.
Motion 1 Made by Bob Dellapina, 2nd by Clem Schuette. In all divisions, all three sets will be won by the team that first scores
(Passed) 25 points with a two-point advantage (no cap). During the 3rd set, teams should change sides at 13 points. (The decision NOT to change sides must be agreed upon by BOTH Team Reps AND Referee during the coin toss).
Note: If there is a time constraint at ANY facility, a representative of the Rec Center can require that the referee impose a cap of 27 Points for all 3 sets. (NOTE: The 27-point cap is mandatory at Commerce City). After a brief discussion, Clem Schuette asked to call the question and the motion was brought to the table.
Motion 1passed: 24 for, 3 opposed, 1 abstention.
Motion 2 Made by Kathleen Danna was withdrawn because Motion 1 passed. Matches in all divisions will be comprised of
(Withdrawn) 3 sets to 25 points, won by 2 points, and no cap. An exception can be made if a particular facility has a scheduling
problem and matches must be completed within a tight time frame. In this case, the referee and both captains will
confer before the beginning of the match and agree that the first two sets will have a cap of 27. Moreover, in the
event that the third set begins less than 20 minutes before the end of the scheduled time period, the third set may be
limited to 21 points with a cap at 23, or to 15 points with a cap of 17, at the discretion of the referee.
Motion 3. Made by Kathleen Danna, 2nd by Donna Post. For any division that has a requirement for a female player, one
(Failed) position in the rotation must be designated as a “female position,” and there must be a female in the position at all
times. Rationale: Some teams in Division 1 and 2 maintain three male players on the front row at all times by
having two women sub in a play only across the back row, or by using a female as a Libero (Division 2 only). This
maneuver not only diminishes the participation of female players but also gives these teams a height advantage for
blocking and hitting. The official policy of the CSVA is to “encourage more female participation” and this motion is
intended to do so. (See CSVA History in the CSVA Handbook). After a brief discussion, Art Smoot asked to call the
question and the motion was brought to the table. Motion 3 failed: 11 for, 19 against.
March 19, 2009 CSVA Minutes
Page 2
Motion 4 Made by Fran Zelinkoff, 2nd Allan Randall. Because teams in the top two divisions are getting so much stronger,
(Failed) move to make the rules for Divisions 1 and 2 the same as are now stated in the current CSVA League Rules & Policies sheet, “Item 4a for Division 1 only.” The paragraph “Division 2 Only” would be deleted, and the last paragraph in 4a then would read “Division 3 and Lower.” Rationale: The move between Div 1 and 2 is not mandatory, but lately the top Div 2 team is opting to move up to Div 1 (and likewise, the last place team then must move down to Div 2). It would make for a much easier transition if the rules were the same for the two highest divisions. The motion was brought to the table. Motion 4 failed: 7 for, 22 opposed.
Motion 5. Made by Clem Schuette then withdrawn by the maker because Motion 4 failed. To be considered if the current
(Withdrawn) (2008-2009) Division 2 Libero rule is changed. For Division 2, if there is only one female on a team at a match, allow
the Libero position, when played by that female, to sub into the serving position and serve the ball. She would then
play the rest of the back row positions before doing the same routine for the other position she is subbing for.
Rationale: This would enable a female to be on the court at all times while still allowing a somewhat more equitable
“time on the court” split with her teammates.
Snow Lopez asked if the USAV changes a rule, will CSVA then change its rule to fit the USAV guidelines. President Reinman stated CSVA will adopt any USAV rule change unless there is a motion presented to modify it at the next CSVA Annual Team Rep & Board Meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made by Donna Post and 2nd by Kathleen Danna. The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 PM.
The next CSVA Board Meeting will be Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 1:30 PM at Scheitler Rec. Center at Berkeley Park.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adele C. Strawn, CSVA Secretary
595 S. Alton Way, #12C
Denver, CO 80247
(303) 856-3329, Cell (303) 263-1691
Note new e-mail: [email protected]
Enc: 2009 Final Fall League Standings & Tournament Result Sheet (for those not attending the meeting)