AUGUST 6, 2009

William A. Scheitler Recreation Center at Berkeley Park

5031 W. 46th Ave., Denver, CO

President Bob Reinman called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.

Six Board Members were present: Bob Reinman, Fran Zelinkoff, PJ Ricker, Carrie Fehringer, Linda Donohoo and Adele Strawn.

Sixteen others were present: Diana Tait, Dennis Koch, Karen Winegarden, Helga Ripsam, Patti Welfare, Emilio Sanelli, Bill Breithaupt, Melissa Fankhauser, Laraine Atkinson, Snow Lopez, Rob Hirschfeld, Theresa Schulte, Alex Pchenitchnyi, Bob Pearson, Kim Pappas, and Viola Duran.

Minutes from the March 19, 2009 meeting were approved as sent out and filed.

Treasurer’s Report. Joe Purcella could not be present at today’s meeting. This report will be available later.

New Business.

Adele Strawn announced The Tim Weiand Memorial Tournament will be on August 22, 2009 at Lakewood Park, 150 S. Kipling. This is a doubles tournament with sand and grass courts. For more information: or call 303-387-4800. Tim Weiand was the director for many doubles volleyball tournaments for over 30 years. He was instrumental in getting Master’s (40+) and Senior (50+) Divisions started several years ago in the Motherlode Tournament in Aspen, CO.

New Game Balls. Fran Zelinkoff reported that the Executive Committee approved new Molten balls for each of the 44 league teams. “CSVA” is printed where the valve stem is located, and it is requested that each team representative put their own name in small letters on that same panel where CSVA is printed. These new game balls are to be used only during your home matches on Wednesdays, and not for warm up or practice.

CSVA Sweatshirts. The Executive Committee also approved sweatshirts to be given to all actively participating regular players (not subs) on each team’s roster for the Fall and Winter Sessions. These sweatshirts are being given instead of league or tournament 1st place team awards in the hope that all participants will enjoy them and help advertise our senior organization to attract new players and teams. Fran will have sample sizes soon, and you will be getting an email from her asking you to confirm sizes. (She will list the size your players requested in the 2004 sweatshirt order).

CSVA Waiver Forms are enclosed for signatures of any NEW players who did not sign a Waiver form last session.

League Schedule. The 2009 Fall Session has been extended by one week due to closures of recreational facilities on November 11 for Veteran’s Day. The last league game will now be November 25, the day before Thanksgiving. Teams may request to reschedule a match, or play a double header with their opponents (e.g. Thanksgiving week), but you must notify Fran of the new date. Any rescheduled matches must be completed and all set scores reported by November 25, 2009. If your opponents cannot accommodate your request, the match will necessarily be declared a forfeit.

No League Matches are scheduled on October 14, 2009 [Huntsman World Senior Games] and November 11, 2009 [Veteran’s Day].

League Tournament is now scheduled for Tuesday or Wednesday, December 1 or 2, 2009.

Draw Tournament will be held Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Team Placement. Bob Reinman explained that teams are placed in divisions according to standings at end of the last league session. New teams are usually placed in a lower division. Last session there were 40 teams. For the Fall 2009 session starting September 9th, one team dropped out and five new teams have entered for a new total of 44 teams. There will be 7 divisions: Divisions 1 through 6 with 6 teams each, and Div. 7 with 8 teams.

CSVA Meetings Are Important. It was stressed that Team Reps and Center Reps need to be present at CSVA meetings. Often team rosters have changed drastically, which might make it necessary to switch teams from one division to another to make the divisions more competitive. If your team is not represented at the meeting, it could be placed in a division where you strongly feel it does not now belong. If present at the meeting, you have a voice in these matters.

August 6, 2009 CSVA Minutes Page 2

League Deadlines are VERY Important. Each team must have the Registration Form, Roster Form, and a $95 league fee check to the Scheduler by the deadline stated on the Registration Form. It is also very helpful if you inform the Scheduler if your team will not be participating in the upcoming league. The three Westminster teams had not responded and did not meet the Monday August 3, 2009 deadline. At 2:15pm today, Westminster representative Viola Duran arrived and stated that the Westminster teams would accept whatever decision was made regarding their teams not meeting the deadline. After much discussion, the majority of those present voted to allow the teams to participate in this session, ONLY on the condition that the fee and forms be completed and given to the scheduler today, Thursday August 6, 2009.

The following statement was then requested to be recorded in these minutes: In the future, the CSVA Scheduler must receive all Westminster teams’ Registration Forms, Roster Forms, and a $95 league fee check for each team by the deadline shown on the Registration Form. If these three items are not received by the deadline, the Westminster teams will not be allowed to participate in the upcoming league. There will be no exceptions.

Important Dates to Remember.

Friday, November 13, 2009 - CSVA Referee Clinic, 8:00 AM to noon, at Commerce City Rec. Center. The registration form is enclosed with these minutes and will also be on the CSVA website. Pre-registration is required, but there is no charge for CSVA people. We encourage all Centers to send their paid official and interested players to this clinic so they can be brought up to date on current USA Volleyball rules.

Monday, November 16, 2009The CSVA 2010 Winter League Registration Form, Roster Form, and $95 fee must be received by Bob Reinman by this date. (Forms will also be on the CSVA website).

Thursday, November 19, 2009 – The date for the next CSVA Board/Team Rep Meeting at the Scheitler Rec. Center at Berkeley Park.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:40PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Adele C. Strawn, CSVA Secretary

595 S. Alton Way, #12C

Denver, CO 80247

303-856-3329, (Cell) 303-263-1691

e-mail: [email protected]

Enc. CSVA 2009 Fall League Schedules

CSVA Rules & Policies Sheet, effective Sep 2009

CSVA Waiver Form (for new players)

Friday Nov 13, 2009 Referee Clinic Registration Form

The CSVA website is: http//