November 19, 2009

William A. Scheitler Recreation Center at Berkeley Park

President Bob Reinman called the CSVA board meeting to order at 1:30 pm.

Seven board members were present: Bob Reinman, Fran Zelinkoff, Joe Purcella, Adele Strawn, Carrie Fehringer, Linda Donohoo, and PJ Ricker. Twenty-six others were present: Yelena Onnen, Issy Minott, Rose Surprenant, Roxy Johnson, Karen Winegarden, Randy Peterson, Laraine Atkinson, Gene Anderson, Dan Green, Donna Post, Kathleen Danna, Emilio Sanelli, Alex Pchenitchnyi, Dick Eggleston, Kim Pappas, Dean Carlson, Rob Hirschfeld, Jim Chamberlin, Theresa Schulte, Bill Breithaupt, Snow Lopez, Bill Law, Allan Randall, Bill Cavanaugh, Art Smoot, and Dave Nugent.

Minutes from the August 6, 2009 meeting were approved and filed.

The Treasurer’s Report dated Aug. 6, 2009 was given by Joe Purcella. It was accepted and filed. The balances were as follows:

Designated Account $ 125.00

Restricted Account 4,715.68

General Account 9,881.96

Total $14,722.64

The Treasurer’s Report dated Nov. 19, 2009 was given by Joe Purcella. It was accepted and filed. The balances are as follows:

Designated Account $ 125.00

Restricted Account 5,246.49

General Account 13,516.24

Total $18,887.73

Bob Reinman reported that another independent review of finances and managerial practices of the Colorado Senior Volleyball Association will be conducted after the end of the year 2009.

Referee Clinic. Bob Reinman reported on the Nov 13, 2009 referee clinic held at Commerce City. Over twenty people attended a two-hour lecture clinic on new rules, followed by practical experience on the referee stand. There are 24 pages of new rules and adaptations in the 2009-2011 USAV Rule Book. Nine of those rules will affect CSVA, most notably the Contact of the Net and Center Line rule. The new CSVA Rules & Policies will be effective for CSVA starting January 6, 2010 and are enclosed with these Minutes, together with schedules for the CSVA 2010 Winter League Session.

Tournament Report. Fran Zelinkoff passed out the results to those in attendance of the 2009 23rd Annual Huntsman World Senior Games. Colorado was well represented with a total of 12 teams: 3 Men’s and 9 Women’s Teams.

League & Tournament Report. Final 2009 Fall league Standings will not be complete until after November 25, 2009 matches. The sites and dates for the 2009 CSVA Fall Trickle-Down Tournament have already been determined and Fran will email finalized information to Team Reps on November 26. Final results of both the league and tournament are enclosed, and are also on the website.

Financial Assistance Requests. Written requests for CSVA financial assistance for Colorado players participating in three national championships have been received and reviewed by the CSVA Executive Committee (2009 USAV Open in Minneapolis, 2009 National Senior Games at Stanford, and 2009 23rd Annual Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George, UT). The Committee voted to reimburse each Colorado participant $35.00. The rules and regulations for applying for financial assistance are detailed in the CSVA handbook (bottom of Page 5). These procedures must be strictly followed. It was suggested that a copy of an application could be put on the website.

CSVA Website. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email them to website manager Art Smoot at

Notice of Election of CSVA Board Members. Please review Pages 3 and 4 of the CSVA Handbook and submit nominations to CSVA Secretary Adele Strawn by Thursday, December 17, 2009, for the following two-year board positions expiring April 30, 2010:

1. Vice President/Tournament Coordinator/Standings (Fran Zelinkoff, Incumbent)

2. Secretary (Adele Strawn, Incumbent)

3. At Large Member (Linda Donohoo, Incumbent)

4. At Large Member (Carrie Fehringer, Incumbent)

CSVA 11-19-09 Board Minutes Page 2


Announcement. There will be a $30.00 charge for returned checks written to CSVA.

Bob Reinman announced that there will be two additional Senior Tournaments in 2010:

  1. Wisconsin Dells Senior Volleyball Championships in Wisconsin Dells, WI

April 8-9, 2010, for both men and women ages 50, 55, 60, 65 & 70. For more information contact Rod Wilde: 608-432-4744.

  1. Huntsman World Senior Games Friendship Volleyball Tour in China July 28 through August 10, 2010. The tour is open to Senior Men (50+) and their family and friends. This tour is to promote senior volleyball in China. The contact information:

Bray LeBrocq, 610-430-7196, [email protected] or Dewei Tang, 610-658-7204, [email protected].

Both of these tournament announcements are on the CSVA website.

Waiver Form. For the upcoming CSVA 2010 Winter League Session, please use the enclosed form for players who are completely new to CSVA for whom we have no waiver signature on file from the just completed 2009 Fall League.

CSVA Sweatshirts. By January 6, 2010, if you have not already done so, Fran Zelinkoff must receive from each Team Rep a list of their regular players (no subs, please) listing each player’s individual sweatshirt size. (The shirts are being given to all regular participants (no subs) in lieu of league or tournament team awards).

Weather Issues: The CSVA does not cancel matches due to inclement weather conditions; however, CSVA encourages teams to reschedule games if at all possible. (The time to change any rule or policy of this nature would be once a year through a written motion at the annual Team Rep Meeting in March). For anyone having gym problems, Linda Donohoo, Scheitler Rec. Center Rep, stated that their court might be available for any rescheduled matches by calling her at


Team Placement. Bob Reinman reported that there were 44 teams for the past 2009 CSVA Fall League session. There are five new teams entered for the Winter 2010 bringing the total to 49 teams. After discussion of where to place the 5 new teams, the majority voted to place 1 new team in Div. 1, 1 team in Div. 3. The remaining three teams were placed in a new Division 8. Division 1 will now have 7 teams for the 2010 Winter session, after which the bottom two teams will be moved down from all divisions in a trickle-down movement for the 2010 Fall session.

There was a discussion about dividing the divisions with more than six teams into two levels (for example; North/South) for easier scheduling. A suggestion was made that it could be put in as a motion for the March 19, 2010 Annual Team Rep Meeting.

The next CSVA meeting will be Thurs. Feb. 4, 2010 at 1:30 PM at the William A. Scheitler Rec. Center at Berkeley Park.

A motion to adjourn was made by Carrie Fehringer and seconded by Allan Randall. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Adele C. Strawn, CSVA Secretary

595 S. Alton Way, #12C

Denver, CO 80247

(303) 263 -1691

e-mail: [email protected]


  1. CSVA 2009 Fall League & Tournament Results

  2. CSVA 2010 Winter League Schedules - eight divisions – 49 total teams

  3. CSVA January 2010 League Rules & Policies

  4. CSVA Waiver Form (for players who are completely new to CSVA)